An institute of activities of elderly
and persons with disabilities
 Minna Home| Home for all
  (Name may be changed)
     日本語l ENGLISHl 한국어    
We will build “Minna Home” and spread lively daily activities from SAKURAMOTO, the town of harmony.

A group of Koreans, living in Japan under government policies during World War II formed a church soon after the war ended. The church protects prayer and activities and aims to help each other at an industrial zone in city Kawasaki.

 On the occasion of 60th anniversary meeting of missionary work of the Korean Christian Church in Japan (KCCP), we reviewed the vision and set it as “Following Christ, to this world.” Under this vision, we Kawasaki KCCP started up a social welfare project and established a social welfare corporation, “Seikyu-Sha;” named after the Korean Peninsula.

Our activities received strong sympathy and support from local people, whose hearts suffered prejudice and discrimination. Sometime, our town SAKURAMOTO has become the place where we can see varieties of practices for “everybody lives with might and main” regardless of races, disabilities, and age.

Now, social demands are getting more diverse, and we Kawasaki KCCP and social welfare corporation “Seikyu-Sha” are taking each other by the hands to challenge others to build up a new foundation for making further steps with local people.

Our starting point

That is; to be always beside people walking towards a better future, to support and protect their hope.

The lively actions and voices of people with disabilities and the elderly at “Minna Home,” will bear new fruit where people with invisible/ indescribable difficulties can feel safe.

“Minna Home” is a linkable place where hearts of people gather. Where people link together and form circles, society can change.

You can give support starting at ¥500~ month.
Please check the details in “Make a Donation” below.
5 Activities widen at “Minna Home”
The Elderly and Persons with Disabilities are the Leading Characters Who Can Link people Together.

Letting Elderly and Persons with Disabilities realize “I want to do it!” spreads good energy and smiles to local people.



“Supporting = connecting”
“Minna Home” Construction Project
In 2019, the construction of “Minna Home” will be starting.

“Minna Home” is a linkable place where hearts of people gather.

Where people link together and form circles, society can change.
Please check the details in “Make a Donation” below.
We need your support   Support Messages
 日本基督教団神奈川教区巡回牧師    関田寛雄

 川崎南部、在日コリアン集住地域の桜本を中心に、差別のない地域社会を目指した小さな地域活動が始められて50年。大韓基督教会の祈りから始まりました。日本キリスト教団桜本教会に赴任した私は、活動の当初から今日に至るまで、その歩みに参加する機会を保ち続けることができたことを大変にうれしく思います。 教会の会堂を開放して開かれた保育所事業を皮切りに、社会福祉法人の設立、行政とのパートナーシップを結ぶふれあい館の建設、在日一世の高齢化と、障がいのある子どもたちの成長に対応した高齢者、障がい者の事業開始など、地域の人々と共に、活動の駒を進め、すそ野を広げてきました。

 社会福祉法人青丘社 理事長
 在日大韓基督教会川崎教会 名誉長老   裵重度

 今、私たちは、今一度新しい活動のステップアップを求められています。商店街とつながり、分断や亀裂のはびこる地域社会の劣化を食い止め、その接着剤の役割を果たして、人と人とがつながりあうための「高齢者、障がい者活動センター」の拠点をつくり、地域福祉に働く者たちがその歩みを支える新しい活動拠点 仮称「みんなの家」を建設します。『地域を創る』今回のプロジェクトの推進に、一人でも多くの仲間のみなさんの参加をいただき、地域が人をつなげ、課題を共有することができますよう心より呼びかけます。


Copyright   「みんなの家」建設委員会  All Rights Reserved